Oct 21, 2012

Drive By

It's my Mothers birthday today, so my family and me went to a fancy restaurant. I dressed up quite nice, wore my new collar nacklace, but I dind't take any pictures. Afterwards I decided to recreate one of my favourite outfits I ever wore. I had to took the photos on the balcony, beacuse you probably have seen enough of my garden and the place I live is on the outskirts of Munich so there aren't good locations.
Only one week left untill the Fashion Philosophy Week in Poland. I'm definietely going to tell you about it afterwards.

Dzisiaj są urodziny mojej mamy, wiec moja i rodzina i ja poszliśmy do eleganckiej restauracji. Ladnie eis ubrałam, założyłam nowy naszyjnik-kołnierzyk, ale nie zrobiłam żadnych zdjęć. Po powrocie do domu postanowiłam odtworzyć jedna z moich ulubionych stylizacji. Zdjęcia zrobiłam na balkonie, ponieważ chyba naoglądaliście się mojego ogrodu, a tu gdzie mieszkam nie ma za duzo dobrych lokalizacji do robienia zdjęć.
Został jeszcze tylko jeden tydzień do Fashion Philosphy Week w Lodzi. Na pewno opowiem wam o nim jak tylko wrócę do Niemiec.


Oct 12, 2012

Move in The right Direction (+polyvore mix)

Well, I wanted to write here more often but it has not worked exactly well.. When I come back from school I'm tired and when I'm not tired anymore it's dark. Tomorrow I'm going to a fun. concert and maybe I'll be able to make some pictures on Sunday, I don't know. Anyway, that's not what I wanted to talk about. I'm going To the Fashion Philosophy week in 2 weeks. It's not a huge and well-known event in other countries than Poland but it will be fun to make that experience. Maybe I'll post photos from it afterwards...

Chciałam tu pisać częściej, ale jakoś niezbyt dobrze mi to wychodzi... Jak wracam ze szkoły jestem zmęczona, a jak przestaje być zmęczona jest już za ciemno na robienie zdjęć. Jutro idę na koncert fun. i może uda mi się zrobić jakieś zdjęcia w Niedziele, nie wiem. W każdym razie, nie o tym chciałam pisać. Jadę na Fashion Philosphy Week w Lodzi. Nie może się to co prawda mierzyć z FW w Paryżu czy Nowym Jorku, ale i tak będzie to ciekawe doświadczenie. Może uda mi się wstawić zdjęcia z tamtad...

What I do pretty often is create sets on polyvore. They are just everyday outfits, rather casual. I'm not very dressy in school.

Dosyć często tworze sety na polyvore. Sa to codzienne stylizacje, do szkoły ubieram się niezbyt wymyślnie (chociaż wybranie ubrań zajmuje mi sporo czasu ;p).

just had this vision


they call it OOTD

Shoe Problem

no idea :)

Night Out

First Day of School


Sep 28, 2012

Primadonna Girl

The summer holidays are over. It's kind of pathetic to write this, especially since school has started four weeks ago. I think you could read this sentence on every single blog run by a person in school-age. But there is one thing I have to say: they were absolutely amazing. I had so much fun this year, whether in Spain, U.S.A. or in Poland. Success! As hard it is to admit, they were my last proper summer vacation. I am going to write my BAC next year and then, they say 'Goodbye School!'. On one side I'm glad that it will finally be over, but on the other side my eyes water every time I think about it. I don't want to grow up yet. I want to be 'young, wild and free'. I am not ready yet, it some ways. This year's summer made me realize it even more. I won't be able to do that things when I'm old. And anyway, I don't want to be old. It's gross.

Wakacje się skończyły. Trochę żałosne jest napisanie tego, szczególnie, ze szkoła zaczęła się cztery tygodnie temu. Wydaje mi się, ze to zdanie można było przeczytać już na każdym możliwym blogu prowadzonym przez osobę w wieku szkolnym. Ale jedna rzecz muszę powiedzieć: były genialne. Tak dobrze się bawiłam w tym roku, czy to w Hiszpanii, w U.S.A. czy w Polsce. Sukces! Chociaż trudno mi to przyznać, to były moje ostatnie właściwe wakacje. W przyszłym roku piszę maturę a potem 'Zegnaj szkoło!'. Z jednej strony ciesze się, ze będę miała to już za sobą, ale z drugiej płakać mi się chce za każdym razem jak o tym pomyślę. Nie chce jeszcze dorastać. Chce być 'Young, wild and free'. Nie jestem jeszcze do końca gotowa. Przez to lato jeszcze bardziej to zrozumiałam. Nie będę mogla robić tych rzeczy co robiłam jak będę stara. A po za tym, nie chce być stara. To okropne.

1-The Beach in Lloret de Mar // 3-On the way to the shop near my grandparent's cottage // 6-Goblin Valley, USA // 7-At the Hermosa Beach, LA // 8-Californian streetstyle, I loved it! // 9-Coca Cola bottles in the CC-store, Las Vegas

1-Plaza w Lloret de Mar // 3-W drodze do sklepu blisko działki moich dziadków // 6-Goblin Valley, USA // 7-Na plazy Hermosa Beach w Los Angeles // 8-Kalifornijski streetstyle, uwielbiam go!  // 9-Butelki Coca Coli w ich sklebie, Las Vegas

May 6, 2012

Suddenly I See

Attention, attention! Here's a new look! I know the photos are bad quality but I shot them yesterday, in the middle of the night..
I fell in love with colorful, patterned (does that word even exist??) leggins. Black Milk Clothing has the best ones but they so expensive! For now I just have these ones from H&M and I'm kinnd of happy with them. They had their premiere yesterday.

And tomorrow I'm going to Barcelona with my class! Yay, can't wait! <33
Have a nice week guys!


May 2, 2012

Somebody that I used to know

Finally a new post! And some new photos! They aren't lookbook-look pictures, because I didn't have time to take these and when I had time I didn't have the clothes. It was a busy time the last few weeks! Let's start of with Dubai! I spend my winter holidays there and it was so much fun! I bought some really nice things at Forever21. Here are some pictres of me, my friend and some other things:



Quite a few pictures, right? And it was such an act to put them all in the right positions. Well, whatever! Dubai was really great, like two years ago and I hope I'll be back there soon. After the holidays I had school, so many things to do. And then there was my friends 16th birthday. god. I don't want to remind myself at that evening and actually I can't even remember. Later that week another friend of mine had his 18th birthday and well, from I have better memories from that night. After that Easter came and I finally could meet my friends from Poland. Had so much time with them and spend looooots of money. Following our tradition my friend and me organized a little photoshoot. That's how I presented myself:


Ok, blogspot really freaks me out today so I'll just post one more picture. It's from Paris, from the Abercrombie&Fitch store which I really loved. I'll try to post more here, but next week I'm going to Barcelona, then a few days later to Italy then I have my exams.... I don't know if I'll have enough time to take care of the blog but I hope so! And I'm definitely going to post something before the summer holidays!!
