Dec 2, 2014

2 Healthy Breakfast Ideas

Today I want to show you two of my favourite breakfat ideas. They're  quick, easy and filling, so perfect for everyday. Let's just get right.

The first one is an oatmeal with some yoghurt and fruit, pretty basic. All you do is put around 3 tablespoons of oatflakes in a bwl and add a little of hot water. I'd say around 2, but I always eyeball it. Just add a little at a time until it has a nice, creamy consistency. Then cut up some fruit of your choice, my favourite is mango, but I also like raspberries (which you obviously don't have to cut). Add the youghurt and the fruits to the bowl and voila! your breakfast is ready! You could also add some shaved almonds or, if you like it sweeter - mix a teaspoon of brown sugar or maple syrup (or another sweetener of your choice) into your oats.

Thea second option is an egg sandwich, this is for the ones who prefer a salty breakfast rather than a sweet one, just like me. To prepare it you will need a slice of bread, and egg, one half of a tomato, some avocado, some rucola and some zucchini.
First take a few slices of zucchini and fry them with a little olive oil, then scramble your egg. Take some avocado and smear it on your bread like you you would do with butter, then put the rucola, the fried zucchini slices, the scrambled eggs and tomato slices on your sandwich. Add some salt and pepper to taste and enjoy. :)